
[ESC2012]TRILOGY-ACS试验结果解读——Gilles Montalesco教授专访

作者:  G.Montalesco   日期:2012/9/4 16:05:28



  <International Circulation>:From the TRITON study we know that the variation of the response to the drug is quite low in prasugrel versus the clopidogrel,  so is it necessary to perform the platelet function test in the clinical study when you are taking prasugrel?
Prof. Montalesco: No, it is not necessary to do it, it is not even recommended, though the question is still pending. There is one big randomized study looking at monitoring versus no monitoring of patients undergoing PCI: the ARCTIC study.  I am the chairman of this study and I will present this study in the American Heart Association at the first outlined session. So, to answer your question, we needed a randomized study, this randomized study is finished, and will be presented at the American Heart Association.

  《国际循环》:通过TRITON TIMI-38研究,我们发现与氯吡格雷相比,不同患者对普拉格雷反应性的差别很小,那么在临床实践应用普拉格雷时是否有必要测定血小板功能?

  <International Circulation>:That is very good. In the TRILOGY trial the median treatment duration is 18 months. This is quite long. It is longer compared to TRITON and PLATO. Why did you choose such a long duration?
Prof. Montalesco: It is more a study of secondary prevention. Patients were selected several days after the ACS, so the acute phase is finished. With secondary prevention, we usually look at longer follow ups and try to rather evidence over two or three years, so it was done that way here.

  《国际循环》:TRILOGY-ACS试验的平均治疗时间相当长,达到18个月。比TRITON TIMI-38和PLATO试验都要长。治疗这么长时间的原因是什么?

<International Circulation>:In clinical practice I donot think we use that kind of longer duration of DAPT.
Prof. Montalesco:Yes, but it was tested, for example, in CHARISMA at four years follow up with aspirin and clopidogrel. The study was negative, although there was a benefit in MI patients. The PEGASUS study, with ticagalor, is also performing these tests.


  <International Circulation>:Do you support prolonged duration of DAPT?
Prof. Montalesco: For now, it is only for a year, but if the TRILOGY or PEGASUS studies are positive, we may have indications for longer treatment.


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